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Brainstorm Blog #1


As soon as I heard we were doing Zines, I immediately was reminded of memories of my hometown clubs and venues for young queers and outcasts. Rhino's was one of those places. It was a safe zone, as well as a hub for creativity. Anyone who knows me knows that I love my birth town of Bloomington, Indiana. It's a surprising college town with a lot to offer. In addition to this, Bloomington has an exciting underground music scene with a rich history in punk. I know many talented people to come out of the Bloomington music scene. In fact, I was in my own "riot girl-esque" band all through high school. Being inspired by the influence of zine in punk communities, I thought it would be fitting to make a zine about the history of the punk scene in Bloomington, IN. It will probably be in the form of a story going chronologically through time, telling about iconic venues, bands and record labels that have entered and left the scene and ending with the current status of punk in Bloomington. It will likely have to include a bit of research and asking around in order to make a cohesive story. I want it to have a very "ziney" feel, with cut outs of logos, pictures and people. I also want to express the political beliefs of this scene at the time, since Bloomington is a very liberal city with young and loud voices. I may include political posters, pictures of people protesting downtown and maybe clips of other zines. The part where it focuses more on the present will likely have more personal touches to it, since it centers the time that I lived there and played in the music scene. I also wish to demonstrate the generational impact it has had on Bloomington Youth, from it's prominent Pride scene, to the creation of clubs and camps for trans and non-binary kids who wish to see what it's like to play in a band.



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