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Project 3 Artist Statement


Overall, I was pretty satisfied with my finished product with the amount of time I was allowed. I decided to make a video surrounding my experience with a summer road trip through Kansas and getting stuck due to a dumb misunderstanding of gas dispensers. I am most satisfied with how the set up of the video went, because I believe it provided ample context. One thing I would've changed was how much time I spent building the story. I think some scenes could've been cut, while also still demonstrating the feeling of boredom and time passing. I think the first animation I made with Animate was good. I clearly spent the most time on it and it conveyed almost exactly what I was trying to create, which was staring off into space so deeply that a piece of modern art seemed to come to life. I agree that the animation should've been used at the end when I was "snapping back" to reality. I also strongly agree that the middle animated scenes needed more playing with. I started the idea of continuing that "dream-like" state by mixing reality and animation, but I do not think I did enough with that. Although, I am glad that the work I did received pretty positive reactions from the rest of the class. I was afraid the music video-type project would be too different and stylized, but people seemed to have liked it. I also think that trying to use my entire song was too ambitious and led to me not having enough animated sequences.



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